Create A Business Email

If you Purchase Hosting From Us then this article is for you.

  1. log in to your control panel. the link should be like this:
  2. Once you are in, Go to Email>> Email Accounts
  3. You will be redirected to a page in which all the email accounts on your account would be listed. then create a new email account by clicking on “Add new Domain mail”.
  4. Then a small box would pop up which should select the user. Once you have selected the user, then a dropdown would appear in which you can create an email account for the domain that is registered under that user. You can simply provide details like email address username and strong password. Once you have entered all the details, click on the “Create mail” button.
  5. Now you have successfully created an email account and it would be listed as shown in the following screenshot. In the future, you can change the password, suspend, or delete the email account from this page.

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